Jeorge Milonas (JNK2007)
Visual artist, Music experimenter, Space cowboy
From a small village in Greece, Jeorge Milonas has created some of the best Tool posters and some epic fictional, dark and comic art. Getting noticed is hard enough and probably a thousand time harder from a small village… But with his passion and skills we are all happy he did get noticed!
Jeorge is one of the nicest people I have had the pleasure to Interview. We are honored to be able to use his artwork on the cover of our first issue!

What inspires your art and what is your creation process?
Everything that‘ s weird. Fictional and dark. To create something I need first to find a theme, to get the idea and just imagine it. Then I start work on trying to design it into an image as close as I can. Finally coloring it and I believe color is very important on the way that art looks, so I pay a lot attention on it.
Who are your biggest influences?
I think it’ s comic art mostly. The old school one.
“Images” that stuck in my head since I was a kid mid to late 80’s.
What motivates you to create?
It’s a need. You need food to feed your body, so by creating something is like feeding your soul. I just feel so useless by not doing it. It’s not only about design and visual art. I also like creating music. No matter if I am good on what I ‘m doing, I just enjoy doing it. Of course getting a good feedback from people motivates me even more and I believe every artist/creator wants that too.
When is your favorite time of day to create?
It used to be late in the night when everything was silent outside. Nowadays I enjoy it anytime. It s cool to start something in the morning with a cup of coffee and fresh mind.
How has your style changed over time?
There is always evolution. My current style is what I wanted but also work more on and improve it. I tried many styles to finally end up to this one. It’s not only what you want to do but what you are able to do. So the more I learn and exercise the more evolution goes on.
Describe your dream project.
My biggest dream as an artist was to do something for my favorite band Tool. This dream fulfilled and I am so grateful for this. After that I think my dream project is to do more for them. I don’ t know how, but you never know. Their music is a great source of inspiration and a huge impact in my life.
What was it like being contacted by Tool and what inspired you?
Unreal. Really. Like I was living in a parallel universe where I finally made it! I still can‘ t believe it. It was really ecstatic to talk with Adam Jones and have this great opportunity. I was doing Tool fan art based on characters of their music videos or random photos of them, until Adam shared on of them as a story on IG. That was a big shock to me!
Do you have any other possible ideas artworks for future tool shows if you’re asked to do it again?
I wish they ask again. I could start working on new art anytime, they can always inspire me do new stuff. I get so many emotions by listening to their music.
Do you listen to music when you create?
Sure! Always listening to music. Makes it easier gives you energy, even inspiration. Sounds and melodies can give you feelings during creation that can be transferred in art. If music stops I m getting heavier and art goes slow. It s not fun working without music in the background.
What bands do you listen to?
Ok I listen to more bands and music genres. I also love Alice in Chains, Puscifer, Primus, Radiohead, Ozric Tentacles and many stoner rock bands but I also like electronic music. Aphex Twin is one of my favorite of this kind.
What is your favorite piece of art you've created?
That’s a hard question. It’s like asking a parent… who’s your favorite child? Each one is a part of me. I can’t answer on this.
Do you have other interest other than your art?
Creating music and sometimes music videos. Photography and especially astrophotography. I hope one day can take some cool nebulae photos and get more cool lenses.
Do your other interests influence your art?
Yeah and many times I can combine them. For example I printed one of my artworks which is called “Seraph” and I created music and a video to promote it. I wish I could get more into animation and 3D design but there is no time for everything.
How do you seek out opportunities?
I just keep doing my thing. I can’t really say that I’m seeking out opportunities. I don’ t really like to press things. Everything happens for some reason. If you act then you get a reaction. If not then you try again until you get it and if you quit you get nothing. I prefer to focus on my art and enjoy that part.
What are your long term goals?
To get better on what I do, learn more and create more. To evolve to a better artist and human being.
Tell us an interesting fact about yourself?
I live in Greece in a very small village and it’s a really quiet place. I love being at home. I don’ t like big cities. Makes me so anxious.
How do you promote your work?
I do that through social media as FB and IG. I should also built up a site in the future but at this moment that is the only way.
Where can people look/purchase your work?
I do my drops on social media. Since I don t have a site if anyone is interested on my art they can directly contact me there.
Can you turn your Greek mythology into Tarot cards or playing cards?
Haha! Some people asked for it too! Well I want to do more gods and creatures first and then who knows I might turn them to a card deck. I m planning to print them on mini prints size 8”x10.5” on Kraft paper. The cards is a really good idea though.